Club has 3 open air floors that are available for rent.
Cubes:a main techno stage; 160 illuminated water tanks stand in the open space. The installation – industrial kitsch in the midst of the nature – reflects modern architectural trends of the country and serves as a protest against this irrevocable development.
Regular visitors of the venue especially love sunrises: the time when sunbeams slowly warm transparent early morning air – filled with the smell of ground and lake; time when body starts to feel yet weak but no less pleasant warmth of the rising sun. The stage is open every Friday.
Café – a friendly space, which is open everyday as an open air café. The venue is famous for its house event series named Around the Tree. The tree is a symbol of the nature – the origins and a final destination of everything and each of us. Our tree, like our nature, attracts all kinds of people with different believes, political views or philosophy, it creates a space where people communicate and socialize without boundaries, freely and with joy. Café often hosts installations on environment issues by contemporary Georgian artists.
Wood – an experimental stage, where local and foreign artists give live acts on Sunday Sunset Lake Sessions. Music, wild nature and continues falling of the waterfall truly create enchanting ambience here. This mixture of water flow and musical rhythms is somehow magical, bringing pleasant euphoria and unconscious but positive energy to each of our guest, as if they become active participants in the ritual of connecting back to the pure nature.
Catering: During events our kitchen staff can provide full catering.
Contact: [email protected]; +995 599 174422